
Game terrine

This terrine makes the most of the British game season and is great as part of an autumnal spread or smörgåsbord. We like to serve it with toasted bread or crispbread and a fruity chutney.

Makes 1 terrine

You will need:

1 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
400g minced pork belly
200g chicken livers, finely chopped
200g fresh breadcrumbs
2 eggs
1 small bunch parsley, finely chopped
1 tsp dried thyme
1/4 tsp ground allspice
75ml brandy
1kg mixed game meat, for example, pigeon, duck, rabbit, venison, roughly chopped
30 slices pancetta

  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan and gently fry the onion until starting to caramelise, about 10 mins. Add the garlic and fry for the last minute or so.
  2. Tip the onion and garlic into a large bowl and allow to cool slightly. Mix in the minced pork and chicken livers. Add the breadcrumbs, eggs, herbs and allspice and season generously. Stir in the brandy.
  3. In a large pan, fry the game pieces for a few minutes until just browned all over.
  4. Preheat the oven to 160C/325F/Gas Mark 3. Line a large loaf tin with pancetta, leaving plenty of overhang. Tip in half of the pork and liver mixture, smooth down with the back of a spoon then top with the game pieces. Add the remaining pork mixture and fold up the pancetta, topping with any remaining pieces to completely cover. Cover tightly in foil.
  5. Place in a roasting tin and half fill with water from a just boiled kettle. Bake in the oven for 1 hour 45 min – 2 hours, until a skewer inserted in the middle of the terrine comes out piping hot. Allow to cool completely then place in the fridge overnight, ideally with a bit of weight on it to press it together. Slice and serve with toasted bread and fruity chutney.
game terrine



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