
Crispbreads topped with ricotta, cavolo nero, wild mushrooms and roasted hazelnuts

This glorious mushroom and cavolo nero recipe by Regula Ysewijn is served on our crispbreads over a base of creamy ricotta, making the most of autumnal ingredients. A quick and easy lunch that is packed full of flavour.

175g of mixed seasonal wild mushrooms
Cavolo nero, 4 leaves
50g of blanched hazelnuts
200g of ricotta
Peter’s Yard original crispbreads
Freshly ground black pepper
Extra virgin olive oil

  1. Tear the cavolo nero into smaller pieces, blanch in salted boiling water for about 30 seconds then chill in cold water to retain the vibrant green colour.
  2. Prepare your mushrooms by brushing off any dirt. Tear or slice into evenly sized pieces.
  3. Scoop the ricotta into a bowl and season with a little salt and pepper plus a drizzle of olive oil.
  4. Toast the hazelnuts in a hot dry pan until lightly golden. Once cooled, roughly chop into halves.
  5. Heat up 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a heavy-based pan and fry the mushrooms until they have a golden hue. Season with salt and pepper then remove from the pan and wrap in foil to keep warm.
  6. Add a knob of butter to the pan and gently warm through the cavolo nero. Season with salt and pepper.
  7. Scatter the cavolo nero over the bowl of seasoned ricotta and top with the warm mushrooms and toasted hazelnuts. Finish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a twist of black pepper. Serve with crispbreads.
Recipe and image courtesy of www.greatbritishchefs.com
Ricotta cavolo nero mushroom dip on crispbread



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